General Information

General Information
State/County business licenses are found in over 100 different Sections In Title 40 Chapter 12 of the Code of Alabama, 1975. These licenses are required in addition to any business licenses of any municipality in this county and a business may need one or more section codes to be in compliance. Each section is unique and may have different criteria for calculating the license amount due. State/County business licenses are valid for one fiscal year, October 1st through September 30th. Business Licenses must be renewed in the month of October to avoid penalties and interest charges.

Most licenses must be obtained in the county where a business is to be located and are to be purchased prior to the start of business. To obtain a copy of our business license application, click here. After completion, you may mail or fax it and a copy of owner/officer driver license(s) to the address that follows. If you have questions about purchasing or renewing your State of Alabama/County of Mobile business licenses, please contact our office at:

3925-F Michael Blvd.
P.O. Box 161009
Mobile, AL 36616
(251) 574 - 4800 Phone
(251) 574 - 8103 Fax

Some licenses such as auto dealers, food and beverage establishments, air conditioning contractors and others require certain affidavits or state regulatory permits prior to issuance so contact our office with your questions.

State/County business licenses may be purchased by mail or at our Michael Square office located at 3925-F Michael Blvd. in Mobile. Our Downtown Mobile Office in the county courthouse annex at 151 Government Street also sells the licenses. The annex is closed on Wednesdays.

All persons or businesses which sell tangible property at retail, or operate places of entertainment or amusement must collect sales and use tax and make reports and payments to the Mobile County License Commission. Tax is also due on receipts from lodging and on receipts from leasing tangible property in this county. This office also administers the Mobile County School Sales and Use Tax. For further information and rates of tax, click here.

Information necessary to purchase a license:
Name of Company, Owners Name and Driver License or Non-Driver License Number, Billing Address, Physical Address, Location Office Phone, Home Office Phone, Federal Employee Identification Number or Social Security Number, Alabama Department of Revenue Sales Tax Account Number and a detailed description of the type of business you will be conducting.
To renew your business license online please go to